A wide range of environments and character types are explored in the works of American based Dean West. The Australian-born (1983) artist who studied at the Queensland College of Art, is best known for his intricate and highly staged photographs that take everyday occurrences beyond the realm of natural reality. 

In 2015 West started working with themes based around memory, recreating moments, either from stories recounted to him by friends, or from his own memories, blurring the boundaries of fact and fiction to gloriously theatrical effect. West's style is an unusual but utterly compelling method for constructing a photograph. The results are strangely cinematic - like day-to-day situations that have had the animation sucked out of them; oneiric, fantastical set-up that echo with old school Americana.

about dean west

dean west + nathan sawaya

In their new collaboration, "PERNiCiEM" which is Latin for extinction, the two artist's turn their eye towards the environment and some of its most endangered species. Covering five main habitats; oceans, forests, deserts, grasslands and the arctic, the idea is simple- that if we do not collectively act to conserve our planet and its species, then we're left with having to create an artificial reality. Sawaya's sculptures are built, photographed and rendered into West's photography, emulating a form of augmented reality that references the increasing digitalization of our world. The pixelated effect forces the viewer to consider the past, present and future of our landscape. 

The effects of climate change, declining sea ice, deforestation, polluted waterways and the illegal wildlife trade, have decimated the numbers of species across the globe pushing many to the brink of extinction. This collaboration forces the viewer to consider their own relationship, with a fast changing world. 


rachel duvall


maria sulymenko